Sweden Holland Trade Support
Alces organiseert en verzorgt voor (Zweedse) bedrijven in Nederland verschillende soorten events met een "Swedish Touch"
11 - 14
Midsummer celebration. The Swedes have celebrated the longest day of the year, around the time of the summer solstice
'Fika bord' “Fika” - The Swedish coffee hour, or fika break, is a combination of coffee and chatting. It has made Sweden into one of the world’s premier coffee-drinking nation.2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
The Swedish Christmas table is laid as a smorgasbord with many different dishes smorgasbord of pickled herring, meatballs, Christmas ham and much more
The celebration of Lucia is a Swedish tradition. It is celebrated on the 13 of December and is traditionally celebrated with a Lucia procession with the Lucia at the front
The saffron buns that are served during the Christmas season are flavored with golden saffron and dark raisins and often shaped into “Lucia cats” (lussekatter).
Kalix löjrom toast
Smoked reindeerheart on flat bread. A delicacy from Swedish Lapland.
'Fika bord' “Fika” - The Swedish coffee hour, or fika break, is a combination of coffee and chatting. It has made Sweden into one of the world’s premier coffee-drinking nation.2
Swedish Meatballs. There are not many things more Swedish than our meatballs
Traditional Crayfish party
Swedish Crayfish
'Fika bord' “Fika” - The Swedish coffee hour, or fika break, is a combination of coffee and chatting. It has made Sweden into one of the world’s premier coffee-drinking nation.
'Fika bord' “Fika” - The Swedish coffee hour, or fika break, is a combination of coffee and chatting. It has made Sweden into one of the world’s premier coffee-drinking nation.4
Swedish Chamber of Commerce
Organiseren van events o.a. Lucia, kerstfeest en verschillende
Alces was verantwoordelijk voor het uitvoeren van de opening van de filialen in Rotterdam en Breda
IKEA Nederland
Presentatie voor het Management Team over "Swedishness" en culturele verschillen
Economische Voorlichtingsdienst
In verband met handelsmissie naar Zweden presentatie over culturele verschillen
Vinnova Innovation
Ontvangst met een
'Zweeds tintje'
Wireless Maingate AB
Föredrag angående kulturella affärsskillnader i samband med
etablering i Nederländerna